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Urban Peregrines
What makes an urban peregrine tick?
My book 'Urban Peregrines', the first of its kind, is available to buy here.
While working on peregrines I have helped confirm that:
Urban peregrines hunt at night in towns and cities taking nocturnal migrants such as woodcock, little grebe and water rails. My paper published in British Birds explains more.
Many colour-ringed peregrines hatched from nests in the west of England head to the east and north-east of the UK. See this link for my public access paper recently published in Ringing & Migration.
Over 100 species of bird are eaten by urban peregrines from kingfishers to blackcaps; feral/domesticated pigeons make up a third of the urban peregrine diet.

Peregrine with green woodpecker by Dave Pearce.
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