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I give enthusiastic, fun and fascinating visual presentations ideal for group meetings, conferences, after-dinner talks, and festivals. During the current situation I would be more than happy to present via Zoom or a similar presentation platform. Below are eight of my most popular talks. To book or enquire about fees and expenses please contact me direct.

For upcoming talks see my Dawn Chorus and Bird Courses page.

Find out more about the lifestyle and habits of urban-dwelling peregrines, in particular their diet, movements, and nocturnal hunting habits. More >


For only a quarter of the year Spitsbergen, in the high Arctic, becomes a refuge for breeding seabirds, geese, waders and large mammals such as Polar Bears and Walruses. In this talk find out more about where many of our winter birds go for the summer and how they survive in this cold yet breathtaking environment.  More >​


A stimulating insight into largely unknown migration of some of our common, and familiar birds of prey.

More >


The deepwaters surrounding the volcanic islands of the Azores provides the perfect environment for whales and dolphins, many deep sea feeders, to forage and breed just off the coastline. Ed reveals more about just what you can see each summer. More >​


Madagascar is home to unique wildlife found nowhere else in the world. From cuddly lemurs to cryptic chameleons, fascinating birdlife to crazy-looking insects, discover more about what makes this incredible country's nature tick.  More >

One of the more mountainous, hilly islands in the Caribbean, the forests are home to many endemics from the St Lucia Parrot to the St Lucia Oriole. Discover more about this tropical island, and the unique birdlife that lives there.

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"Thank you for your excellent talk tonight. Your enthusiasm and knowledge shone through. Many attendees congratulated me on selecting you as a speaker."


John Walpole,

Chairman, Warminster Local Supporters Group, Wiltshire Wildlife Trust

"You gave us an absolute cracker of a talk with some wonderful pictures of the birds and their prey. Our audiences was easily the largest yet this season, which is to your credit."

Peter Garner,

Group Indoor Meetings Secretary,

Bath RSPB Local Group

© Ed Drewitt

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